Have fun with creative collage!

Activity goals

Introducing children to the art of collage, experimenting with combining different materials to create unique compositions. Developing the ability to select and compose shapes and colours, improving visual comprehension and creativity. Fostering  individual expression and storytelling, encouraging children to tell stories through their works. 

Materials needed 

  • PRIMO vinyl glue in a small bottle with flow-control nozzle 
  • Scraps of paper (magazines, wrapping paper, printed images, cardboard) 
  • Scissors 
  • Brushes or sponges (for applying glue) 
  • Additional decorations (stickers, buttons, ribbons, dried flowers or leaves, cotton or cotton wool, pieces of fabric, thread and string or other) 


Before starting the activity, we recommend explaining to the children that collage is a way of combining different materials to create a work of art. To achieve the final result, they can use paper cuttings, pictures and objects to tell a story or express their feelings. 

  1. Preparing materials 
    Ask the children to gather materials to use for the collage, encouraging them to choose different colours and textures. At this stage, explain to them the importance of having a wide variety of materials to achieve a satisfactory final result. 
  2. Collage Composition
    Ask the children to initially place the cut-outs on the paper without gluing them immediately, to visualize the final composition. Then show how to overlap the materials to create depth and visual interest. 
  3. Applying the glue 
    Once satisfied with the arrangement, children can start gluing the cut-outs using vinyl glue. At this stage, we recommend showing how to apply the glue evenly with a brush or sponge to prevent the collage from becoming too wet. 
  4. Finishing and details 
    Encourage children to complete their collage with additional decorations, such as buttons or pieces of fabric. To make the activity even more stimulating, suggest asking them to tell the story behind their work and share it with the group or class. 

Educational benefits of the activity 

  • Development of creativity: During the activity, children can explore different combinations of materials and shapes, resulting in unique creations. 
  • Coordination and fine motor skills: Using scissors and applying glue improves fine motor skills. 
  • Exploration of materials: By expanding the choice of materials available, children can learn to recognize and use various types of paper and materials to express their artistic vision. 

Tips for parents and teachers 

  • Encourage children to experiment and not to worry about achieving a ‘perfect’ result. Each collage is a unique expression of their creativity, the important thing is to have fun and let their imagination run wild. 
  • For the youngest children, we recommend preparing a spacious and protected work area which can facilitate their movements. In this case, also remember that vinyl glue should always be used under adult supervision. 
  • Showing examples of collages can provide inspiration, but it is essential to let children follow their own creative instinct. 

By using PRIMO vinyl glue in a bottle with flow-control nozzle, children can enjoy creating unique works of art easily and safely. Collage not only stimulates creativity, but also offers an opportunity to explore art and storytelling through different materials. 

Find out many more creative techniques with  PRIMO vinyl glue bottles in the Creativity - Ideas section of our website.